Friday, July 17, 2009

Rachael Ruqayyah Rashida Ray

In a 30 second commercial, Rachael Ray - the famous cook - apparently made the case for Islamic extremism.  And then she tried to sell me coffee.  Talk about split focus!  Why would you dress Racheal Ray up like THIS??:


Michelle Malkin has bravely lead the campaign against this ad.  She is one of these rare TV personalities who combines ethnic minority with good looks with female with reasonable political views.  Which is why I love her so much and feel we need to listen to her.   She explains how that scarf is a symbol of Muslim terrorism and that Dunkin Donuts should be more cognizant of how their spokesperson appears.  And she's right!  Dunkin Donuts has a history of virulent anti-Semitism.

Remember this guy?

"Time to make the donuts?"  More like "time to grow a Hitler mustache!"

Shameful.  And you know what else? A half-eaten donut looks a lot like the Islamic crescent moon...

I used to like Dunkin Donuts.  Never had the donuts, but their rolls are delicious.   Now, I have to let you guys go.  Boycott in effect.  That goes for you, too, Rachael Ray.  From now on, I'm spending more than $40 on dinner.  What's that?  You were just doing what they told you?  Where have I heard THAT before?

Sounds like something I'd expect to hear from someone taking orders from Box O' Joe Goebbels!


[update: DD pulled the ad!  It's a win-win.  We defeated terrorism and now I can get an iced coffee on my way to work tomorrow.]

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